Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sanding, sanding, sanding

I spent a complete three and a half hours today sanding. That's right, I finally convinced myself to start working on my guitar project again. I took the time to become acquainted with my new Jens Lekman CD and worry about how the next few months (and years) will turn out. I hope to work again on sanding (I just need to finish the sides) this Friday and painting on Saturday.

Photos here, here, and here

Yesterday my day was spent at the Loop. It began at my service project which involves assisting a third grade teacher in teaching about 15 kids who are all below the poverty line. It sounds good, except for the fact each child is absolutely demonic. I confiscated three notes with each being a colorful arrangement of words including "fuck," "bitch," and "slut," spent a good half hour chasing three boys around the school because they escaped from class, and broke up a single fight. Afterwards I went to see the movie Greenberg and immediately after to see a free Jailbox concert at Vintage Vinyl (greatest store ever) with some friends. I also saw a five neck guitar. Awesome.


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