Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday Tuesday, so good to me

Tonight's been one of those nights where, despite my best efforts, any attempt to complete homework has end up with me picking up the guitar or going to Facebook; any assignment that should only take a half hour stretches out to an hour or more. With my weekdays being caffeinated and sleep-deprived blurs, I find the simple idea of focusing on any work at all pretty insane. Luckily, this is the last week until Spring Break, which will start with my dad and me driving up to visit Belmont University and will end up with me confined to the basement recording and playing Xbox by my lack of a social life.

If you happen to have 31 minutes of spare time on your hand, I highly recommend watching I'm Here: A Love Story in an Absolut World. It's a short film about two robots who fall in love, a bizarre but incredibly touching story. It was written and directed by Spike Jonze, who also wrote and directed Where the Wild Things Are, so you know it's a masterpiece.

Also, very few things amount to the excitement of realizing you are on to something when writing a song; that single minuscule instant of inspiration when you can see everything the song has potential to be. The hard part is capturing that instant again once it leaves your mind and fingers.

I cannot stop listening to this song no matter how hard I try.

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