Saturday, August 29, 2009


In all of the scientific and factual fallacies of the 2012 doomsday myth, there is a single grand logic error that I fail to see many people realize. There are dozens, maybe even hundreds, of supposed situations that are to take place on December 21, 2012: “The sun will shoot a flair at Earth, a new dimension will open up, a new consciousness will sweep humanity, the star/planet/meteor (depending on what version of this myth you have hear) Planet X will crash into the world, aliens will invade civilization,” etc. I can go on for a few different paragraphs on the many different theories. After the theories we get to the people STARTING the theories: Nancy Lieder, Zecheria Sitchin, David Icke, that guy from YOW Books, and the rest of the “starseed” children or whatever they call themselves.

Why so many theories? Why so many people spouting different and very contrary ideas yet calling themselves “Experts” and “right” when in reality none of them have any credentials at all? It can’t be that they are just all WRONG, is it? How is it illogical to believe that the NWO will reveal themselves, a new dimension will open up, Planet X will hit the earth, some mass of charged particles will hit our atmosphere, our poles will shift, and that a sun flair will hit us all in the same instant on the same day?

I really wish people would just THINK. When they watch a video concerning 2012 or the alleged New World Order, just take a step back and THINK. Really. Ask why you should believe them; what evidence do they offer? What sources do they have? If they don’t have any reliable sources, do they have any credentials? Some videos are trickier to catch in the act of misinformation. I am specifically referring to Loose Change, Zeitgeist, that 2012 documentary on the History Channel, and that freemason documentary on Discovery. Actually do research when you watch them: Look up the names of the people those documentaries quote or interview. Make sure they are credited and that their quotes weren’t twisted at all or taken out of context.

I didn’t expect this to become such a rant, but I do feel that it all needs to be said. I know that there are some incredibly biased people out there who will read my blog and just shun it all out and assume I am either “not enlightened” or an advocate of the Illuminati. No matter what I say I will never be able to sway their ignorant opinions. Please try to convince me wrong. I will be happy to debate with anyone.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Take the Nibiru Challenge

As time wears on I begin to see some hope for humanity. There are more and more individuals and groups like myself who are dedicated to clearing the interwebs of the filth that is conspiracy theory.

At there is a contest being held to any individual that can prove Nibiru exists. That’s right, if any person can show indisputable evidence that Nibiru exists you will get a hefty cash prize of $5,000 to put in your pocket. For any 2012 supporters out there, I highly urge that you try to go for the prize. According to you, there s a helluva lot of info to prove that blog (and myself) wrong, so why not? The world’s going to end anyway, so what do you have to lose?

I really do like the blog. They post the supposed evidence and debunk it right there, for the world to see. It is very well worth the read even if you don’t believe anything will happen. Who doesn’t like to watch people being proved wrong?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

People are idiots.

Before I introduce the topic of this post, let me put this little diddy of information out there: there are stupid people, there are stupid people, and then there are freakin’ idiots. If you spend more than a few minutes every day on the internet you are way ahead of me. At this moment there are thousands upon thousands of people preaching the supposed agenda of the Illuminati or warning us of the impending collapse of all civilization in 2012; offering nothing but obviously faked photographs and the words of pseudo scientists as evidence. The amount of people who buy in to these scams is very surprising yet depressing. What’s even more depressing is the fact that these people (who I will introduce in a moment) are being taken seriously! There is a huge amount of fear being spread by these 2012 and New World Oder myths; and an even bigger sum of cash being made. Any given website warning us of 2012 will, without a doubt, have a huge resource of books and other merchandise to buy (not to mention the upcomming blockbuster movie depicting what “should” happen) that only prove my point further that the people putting forth these claims do not believe anything will happen themselves.

Zecharia Sitchin is a self-proclaimed expert who claims that the Sumerian civilization was taught and governed by the Annukai alien species. While never actually taking a real course in Semetic languages, Sitchin has translated for us many murals, seals, and words which seem to support his views. In reality, he has made very basic and fundamental errors in his teachings, ranging from blantant misinterpretations to simple grammar mistakes.

Here Sitchin's most important piece of evidence will be debunked by information given of Michael Heiser's website . Heiser is more than credited to speak against the words of Sitchin, being a scholar in ancient semetic languages.

Let’s take a look at the VA 243 Cylindrical seal:

Look at the top between the two figures walking up right on the left. We see what Sitchin claims to be our sun surrounded by eleven “globes.” According to Sitchen, these globes represent our nine plants and th earth’s moon. The eleventh planet, according to Sitchin, is Planet X, the planet undiscovered by modern scientists but known to the Sumerians. This seal is Sitchin’s proof that Planet X, or Nibiru, exists. After reading Michael Heiser’s website Sitchin is Wrong I was pointed to very important facts that Sitchin (conveniently) grazed over. Not only does any of the surrounding text fail to mention anything at all to do with astronomy, but Sitchin was wrong on calling the mass of globes our solar system. Compare the confirmed Sumerian symbol for the sun with the symbol in the seal (google "sumerian sun" to find images of it in actual sumerian text) :

It is obvious that Sitchin made a misinterpretation. The symbol in the seal simply represents any given star or celestial mass- NOT the sun of our solar system. Not only did Sitchin misinterpret the Sun symbol, but he made the claim that the Sumerians knew of the entire solar system, which is a complete impossibility:

"There is not a single text in the entire corpus of Sumerian or Mesopotamian tablets in the world that tells us the Sumerians (or later inhabitants of Mesopotamia) knew there were more than five planets. This is quite a claim, but is demonstrable through the work of scholars who specialize in cuneiform astronomy." (Heiser)

Not only did the Sumerians never discover "Planet X," it would have been impossible for them to do so. This is only a brief look into the world of Zecharia Sitchin’s factual fallacies. I urge you to look more into Michael Heiser’s website that goes in incredible depth in the debunking of Sitchin.

Sitchin's Errors

Below is a link to Part 1 of NowhereToRun1984's video series debunking Sitchin:

Sitchin is Wrong

Friday, August 7, 2009

2012 debunked (video into text)

On my videos debunking the 2012 doomsday theory and the moon landing hoax, I get many comments with people complaining about the apparently "hard to read" text. Even though I suspect it is a mere excuse to not watch the videos, I have put all of the text into an easy-to-read blog post for your convenience. As time goes on I will post some more articles concerning 2012 and conspiracy theories that will not be posted as a video on my youtube channel.

My sources will be listed first in case you are just a lazy ass who wants to see my sources and take my word that nothing will happen in 2012. And yes I know that ProjectStorm got his channel frozen (thanks to yowbooks, the coward) so I will just list the sources he used as well.

2012 Debunked

This is an attempt to help extinguish the fear spread by the 2012 hoax. I am going to provide the facts about pole shifts, nodstradamus, planet x/nibiru, the sumerians, and the mayans, Then you can decide for yourself whether or not the 2012 doomsday theory is a hoax.

Part I: Pole Shifts

Doomsdayer: A pole shift occuring at 11:11 pm Universal Time will result in a complete reversal of the north and south poles and thuse a disappearance of the Earth's magnetic field. This will cause numerous natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis.

Actually, according to NASA, that is completely bogus:

"They've also learned what happens during a reversal. Reversals take a few thousand years to complete, and during that time- contrary to popular belief- the magnetic field does not vanish. "It just gets more complicated." says Glatzmaier. Magnetic lines of force near Earth's surface become twistid and tangled, and magnetic poles pop up in unaccustomed places. A south magnetic pole might emerge over Africa, for instance, or a norh pole over Tahiti. Weird. But it's still a planetary magnetic field, and it still protects us from space radiation and solar storms."

So, the Earth's magnetic field does NOT disappear. It simply becomes more complicated but as strong as ever. It still protects us from solar storms and radiation just as it always has.

A pole shift also takes 5,000 years to complete and "comes at irregular intervals of about 300,000 years." So far we are 780,000 years overdue. has an interesting quote on this:

"They come at irregular intervals averaging about 300,000 years and it has now been 780,000 years since the last one. Then we’ve been due for 480,000 years! Where I’m getting at is that your parents generation was also overdue, your grandparents generation was overdue and since the start of civilization on this earth it was overdue. Even the Mayas were overdue. What I’m trying to say is that it could’ve happened way before that and that it can happen tomorrow or in 100,000 years so don’t worry too much about it. Again, the process takes 5,000 years to complete so I bet you won’t notice it too much."

Also from Daily Common Sense, with the doomsday theory in bold and the facts in regular text:
A pole reversal will happen in 2012. False, it will happen but we don’t know when yet. I’m pretty sure the NASA would be able to confirm if it was even a 2012 possibility.
A pole reversal would decrease the strength of our magnetic field to near zero. False, it would still be there and as strong as it is now, just more complicated.
A pole reversal would have terrible impact on our planet. True, but the process takes 5,000 years to complete. It doesn’t happen just like that when you wake up one morning.
We’re overdue for a pole shift. Maybe, but we’ve been overdue for the past 380,000 years. Our little 2,000 years of history is pretty small in that. Do you believe we don’t know when it’s going to happen?
Part II: The Mayans

Doomsdayer: The Mayans were very advanced when it came to science and astronomy. They predicted the end of the world or a new conciousness (depending on what version you heard) to occur with a galactic alignment on December 12, 2012.

This theory comes from the fact that the Mayan calendar ends on that date. But there is no evidence to point out that the Mayans predicted anything to happen:

For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle” says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Fla. To render Dec. 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is “a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in.” (USA Today)

Scholars are also in great doubt in the idea that the Mayans were even able to predict a galactic alignment:

Astronomers generally agree that “it would be impossible the Maya themselves would have known that” says Susan Milbrath, a Maya archaeoastronomer and a curator at the Florida Museum of Natural History. What’s more, she says, “we have no record or knowledge that they would think the world would come to an end at that point. (USA Today)

So the Mayans didn't predict anything to happen. If I said that I thought the world would end on December 31, 2008 at 12:00 pm simply because it is the end of our calendar I would have just as much evidence as anyone who believes in the Mayan 2012 hoax.

Obviously, Both ideas are nonsense.

Part III: Nostradamus

Many people think that Nodstradamus predicted the end of the world in 2012, 9/11, and the French Revolution. He was also used to help support the Y2K doomsday theory (which was false). To put it simply, Nodstradamus never predicted any of these. All of his alledged predictions were very vague and twisted by the internet to mean something different. For instance, here is the more popular Nodstradamus prediction about 9/11:
"In the year of the new century and nine months,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror...
The Sky will burn at forty-five degrees
Fire approaches the great new city...
In the city of york there will be a great collapse,
2 twin brothers torn apart by chaos while the fortress falls
great leader will succumb"
This is the one spread by email and comspiracy threads on the internet. Its pretty scary if you take it to heart. But here is the original prediction, from Nodstradamus' own quill:
"The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck"
Almost laughingly different. According to, this whole thing came about in 1997 with a student at Brock University in Canada. Neil Marshall twisted the real thing using abstract and vague words to point out that they could be read to seem to have predicted any event.

And I'm not sure if the fake prophesy in the previous slide was the right one. At last count I had found three different fabrications.

Part IV: Planet X

This is probably the most prominant and popular 2012 theory. It states that, in 2012, the legendary Planet X (aka Nibiru) will crash into the Earth and kill everyone. This was started and spread generally by Zecharia Sitchin, someone who had no previous classes or studies in Sumerian culture (whom he claims predicted Planet X's return)

And before I say anything I would like to point out that all information was taken directly from vidos by ProjectStorm and Trayen11. I will provide the links to those videos in my description.

The Sumerians are believed to have seen and predicted the supposed Nibiru to crash into the planet Earth in 2012. While they did believe that Earth was created after a fight between Taimat and Nibiru, those were both GODS, not planets or stars. Sitchin created the myth that the Sumerians believed the Gods to be planets. The Sumerians were not even interested in astronomy.

Another theory is that Planet X caused the original continents to drift apart. I actually laughed when I read that people believed this. Its called "continental drift" and it is almost a proven fact. I learned about in in 3rd grade! It is the fact that the continental plates are constantly moving. They were moving when the Earth was created and are moving now.

And yes, something huge did slam into our planet 4.5 billion years ago. There weren't even single celled bacteria around then. The event is also believed to have created the moon. And since there were no organisms back then how could the Sumerians have known?

Some people also believe that the Sumerians were in contact with an alien race...need I say more? There is not a single shred of evidence to even hint that this might be true.

And yes, 3,000 years ago something terrible did happen. But that was a volcano, not Planet X.

True, for many years astronomers did believe a 10th planet existed, but thanks to our modern technology we now know that this is false. We also know that "there is nothing strange about the orbits of outer planets." And this applies to the theory that a mass extinction occurs annually: thanks to modern technology we know that this is indeed false.

Many "pictures" of Planet X have surfaced, and so far all of them have been something like a distant galaxy or a simple photoshop. And there is no such thing as the supposed "Norlock Project."

Also, there is the theory that NASA spotted Planet X and renamed it Eris. Wrong again. While (According to the majority of 2012 believers) Planet X is supposed to be 2/3 the size of our planet, NASA calculated Eris to be only a little bit larger than Pluto. Also, the closest Eris will ever come to Earth will be in 2255 with the distance of about 4 billion miles.

There are many other theories that those rascly conspiracists come up with, but so far every one I have seen is false, and I have no reason to believe why any upcomming theories arent false either.

I hope that this video will calm some nerves and that many people will come to see the truth. And I know that many people will say either "dont listen to the facts. Listen to your heart" or "you dont know what will happen in 2012 so how can you be sure you are right?"

To the first argument, I can't really say how stupid you sound. Life isn't a Disney movie. There are facts that are proven that that's that. Say I have an apple and you call it an orange. I say that since it is res and has the features and seeds of an apple I call it an apple. But you say that I must "listen to my heart." I am pretty sure I am right. You have no evidence whatsoever to back up your silly myth. Give it a rest!

And to the second argument, I admit that I have no idea what will happen in 2012. But based on the facts I fell pretty certain when I say that the world won't end as a result of Planet X, a pole shift, or the predictions of Nodstradamus, the Mayans, or Sumerians.

And if you believe that a pole shift will happen, a planet will crash into the Earth, a new conciousness will begin and a new dimension will open up all in the same day...

you are gullible enough to believe in anything.