Thursday, August 20, 2009

People are idiots.

Before I introduce the topic of this post, let me put this little diddy of information out there: there are stupid people, there are stupid people, and then there are freakin’ idiots. If you spend more than a few minutes every day on the internet you are way ahead of me. At this moment there are thousands upon thousands of people preaching the supposed agenda of the Illuminati or warning us of the impending collapse of all civilization in 2012; offering nothing but obviously faked photographs and the words of pseudo scientists as evidence. The amount of people who buy in to these scams is very surprising yet depressing. What’s even more depressing is the fact that these people (who I will introduce in a moment) are being taken seriously! There is a huge amount of fear being spread by these 2012 and New World Oder myths; and an even bigger sum of cash being made. Any given website warning us of 2012 will, without a doubt, have a huge resource of books and other merchandise to buy (not to mention the upcomming blockbuster movie depicting what “should” happen) that only prove my point further that the people putting forth these claims do not believe anything will happen themselves.

Zecharia Sitchin is a self-proclaimed expert who claims that the Sumerian civilization was taught and governed by the Annukai alien species. While never actually taking a real course in Semetic languages, Sitchin has translated for us many murals, seals, and words which seem to support his views. In reality, he has made very basic and fundamental errors in his teachings, ranging from blantant misinterpretations to simple grammar mistakes.

Here Sitchin's most important piece of evidence will be debunked by information given of Michael Heiser's website . Heiser is more than credited to speak against the words of Sitchin, being a scholar in ancient semetic languages.

Let’s take a look at the VA 243 Cylindrical seal:

Look at the top between the two figures walking up right on the left. We see what Sitchin claims to be our sun surrounded by eleven “globes.” According to Sitchen, these globes represent our nine plants and th earth’s moon. The eleventh planet, according to Sitchin, is Planet X, the planet undiscovered by modern scientists but known to the Sumerians. This seal is Sitchin’s proof that Planet X, or Nibiru, exists. After reading Michael Heiser’s website Sitchin is Wrong I was pointed to very important facts that Sitchin (conveniently) grazed over. Not only does any of the surrounding text fail to mention anything at all to do with astronomy, but Sitchin was wrong on calling the mass of globes our solar system. Compare the confirmed Sumerian symbol for the sun with the symbol in the seal (google "sumerian sun" to find images of it in actual sumerian text) :

It is obvious that Sitchin made a misinterpretation. The symbol in the seal simply represents any given star or celestial mass- NOT the sun of our solar system. Not only did Sitchin misinterpret the Sun symbol, but he made the claim that the Sumerians knew of the entire solar system, which is a complete impossibility:

"There is not a single text in the entire corpus of Sumerian or Mesopotamian tablets in the world that tells us the Sumerians (or later inhabitants of Mesopotamia) knew there were more than five planets. This is quite a claim, but is demonstrable through the work of scholars who specialize in cuneiform astronomy." (Heiser)

Not only did the Sumerians never discover "Planet X," it would have been impossible for them to do so. This is only a brief look into the world of Zecharia Sitchin’s factual fallacies. I urge you to look more into Michael Heiser’s website that goes in incredible depth in the debunking of Sitchin.

Sitchin's Errors

Below is a link to Part 1 of NowhereToRun1984's video series debunking Sitchin:

Sitchin is Wrong

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