Friday, August 6, 2010

This song is best listened to at 1:30 AM in complete darkness with headphones.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I recorded a song. Just a simple vocal/guitar/harmonica folky arrangement. I've listened to it about 10 times back to back just before writing this post, wondering if I actually want someone to actually listen to it. There are parts where I feel like words are pronounced in the most stupid and weird ways (ie: "Missouri to New Yawrk"). Maybe it's just an inherent problem with songwriters, but I've always been pretty self-conscious about showing my work to others, let alone singing in public or showing someone else a recording of my own voice. That's probably why I'm putting it on this obscure little blog of mine, because I'm sure no one really reads this thing :)

I also want to get some recordings together to send to the local indie station, KDHX. I have nothing to lose. Maybe I'm so eager to do it because I know that, if i ever get any feedback, it can only be positive. Otherwise they just wouldn't respond, I guess. If I send anything in I'd need to get an album cover for everything and burn it to a disk. I have no idea what I'd do for a cover. I have some artistically inclined friends who I might ask to make something. I might try to do something with the header image of the rainbow sheep eating a mushroom.

Now, for the music:

Aw, heck. I'll post the link to the other song. I'm extremely happy with the instrumental arrangement, but I wanna redo the vocals. I sound so bored and flat, methinks. I shudder when I listen to this recording because of the vocals.

And I'm considering calling the album "Stolen Strings." It was the original title for "Steel Strings" because I felt like I stole the acoustic guitar picking style and the slide guitar idea from Pink Floyd's "A Pillow of Winds."