Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I found Tumblr, another blog hosting service. I'm going to try it out for a little while and compare it to Blogspot. Changes are that I will dedicate blogspot to conspiracy stuff and Tumblr to more personal posts relating to music and art. Or not. We'll see.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Somewhere there's a feather

It's nearly midnight on a Thursday night, and to combat my boredom I've decided to post an update for anyone who happens to read this.

For the guitar, I have contacted the guy who designed the SG in my earlier post. He's been surprisingly helpful in telling me what to do and what to buy. From what he's said, he put on about 5 layers of Montana Gold aerosol paint, each layer atop another and a different color. He then put on different colors in random spots. To get the gritty Pollock-ish look he sanded through each layer in different spots to different degrees. I'll be sure to document every step to be put on here to make it a little more easy to understand.

So, after a quick trip to Art Mart (the greatest store in the world) I'll have the Montana Gold colors I need. I just need to motivate myself to be able to dedicate 3-4 hours of my weekend to sanding. I also have the design for the pick guard almost done. Finished photos should be up relatively soon.