In all of the scientific and factual fallacies of the 2012 doomsday myth, there is a single grand logic error that I fail to see many people realize. There are dozens, maybe even hundreds, of supposed situations that are to take place on December 21, 2012: “The sun will shoot a flair at Earth, a new dimension will open up, a new consciousness will sweep humanity, the star/planet/meteor (depending on what version of this myth you have hear) Planet X will crash into the world, aliens will invade civilization,” etc. I can go on for a few different paragraphs on the many different theories. After the theories we get to the people STARTING the theories: Nancy Lieder, Zecheria Sitchin, David Icke, that guy from YOW Books, and the rest of the “starseed” children or whatever they call themselves.
Why so many theories? Why so many people spouting different and very contrary ideas yet calling themselves “Experts” and “right” when in reality none of them have any credentials at all?
I really wish people would just THINK. When they watch a video concerning 2012 or the alleged New World Order, just take a step back and THINK. Really. Ask why you should believe them; what evidence do they offer? What sources do they have? If they don’t have any reliable sources, do they have any credentials? Some videos are trickier to catch in the act of misinformation. I am specifically referring to Loose Change, Zeitgeist, that 2012 documentary on the History Channel, and that freemason documentary on Discovery. Actually do research when you watch them: Look up the names of the people those documentaries quote or interview. Make sure they are credited and that their quotes weren’t twisted at all or taken out of context.
I didn’t expect this to become such a rant, but I do feel that it all needs to be said. I know that there are some incredibly biased people out there who will read my blog and just shun it all out and assume I am either “not enlightened” or an advocate of the Illuminati. No matter what I say I will never be able to sway their ignorant opinions. Please try to convince me wrong. I will be happy to debate with anyone.